Brevet 2018 : sujets de langue vivante étrangère (anglais)

DIPLOME NATIONAL DU BREVET TOUTES SERIES Epreuve de langue vivante étrangère : ANGLAIS SESSION 2018 Durée : 1 h 30 Ce sujet comporte 6 pages : de la page 1/6 à la page 6/6. Assurez-vous que cet exemplaire est complet. S’il est incomplet, demandez un autre exemplaire au chef de salle. L’usage du dictionnaire et de la calculatrice n’est pas autorisé. LE CANDIDAT RÉPONDRA DIRECTEMENT SUR LE SUJET. LE SUJET DEVRA ÊTRE INSÉRÉ DANS UNE COPIE. DIPLOME NATIONAL DU BREVET Série : TOUTES SERIES Epreuve : ANGLAIS Session 2018 Page 1 sur 6 SUJET Repère 18LVANME1 Durée : 1h30 5 10 15 HelpingOthers If you see a problem, you should find a solution. That is what Alex Knoll, 12, of Post Falls, Idaho, believes. So when he noticed a man struggling to open a heavy door from a wheelchair, Alex’s brain started buzzing. “I wondered if there was a resource available to him to show him which businesses had automatic doors, so he could actually access them,” Alex told TFK. “I couldn’t find anything, so I created it.” That was three years ago. The idea is Ability App. The app will “help people with disabilities navigate public spaces and find safe, reliable services and employment opportunities.” […] Making a Difference Worldwide, there are more than a billion people with some kind of disability, according to the World Health Organization.


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